Midnight Sun Home Care Blog

Category: Fall Prevention

A Guide to Ensuring Senior Safety at Home

As we age, our homes may need certain modifications to ensure they remain safe and comfortable environments. At Midnight Sun Home Care, we understand the importance of senior safety, and we're here to provide you with valuable tips and insights on how to create a secure living space for your loved ones. Assessing Home Safety […]

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Help Seniors Stay Active and Mobile Post-Pandemic

As we’re finally easing our way out of this pandemic, we are finding out more about how it has harmed seniors – both physically and emotionally. We all know seniors have been at a higher risk of serious side effects and death due to the COVID-19 virus. However, the impact of 15 months of physical […]

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Startling New Medication-Related Fall Risks for Seniors: Are You at Risk?

We’ve known for a while that there are certain medications that enhance the danger of falls for seniors. Twenty years ago, slightly over 50% of elderly people were impacted by that risk; presently, that number has risen dramatically to a full 94% of seniors who are now vulnerable to falling as a result of medication […]

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Beyond Fall Prevention: Regain Confidence After the Trauma of a Fall

While circus clowns and comedians may stir audiences to laughter over such stunts as slipping on a banana peel, there is nothing funny about falling when it comes to the elderly, who are at an elevated risk for serious injuries which could bring about a lengthy rehabilitation process. Not only that, but there’s a lesser […]

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