An innovative concept, “design thinking,” has become connected to products designed particularly for the elderly. However, its true purpose actually encompasses so much more: creating a solution through products that make life easier – regardless of age.
While elder care in Anchorage, AK could certainly benefit from the development of carefully thought out products, such as technology to provide better medication management through smartphone apps, or specialized chairs designed to help with bathing of dementia patients, the most effective and long-reaching design thinking spans the generations. It involves stepping into a variety of users’ shoes and trying to meet their variety of needs through a global solution.
A good example is Nintendo’s extremely popular Wii game system. Enjoyed by teenagers, older adults, and just about everyone in between, its top-notch design places a focus on the strengths of its users, rather than trying to help them with their weaknesses. Kavan Peterson, the editor of, said, “Do not design based on decline”.
Midnight Sun Home Care, which provides elderly care in Anchorage, AK, can offer tips on helpful tools that work successfully for our senior clients, and for the family and friends who care for them. Contact us today to find out how we can help.