The Key to Communication

The Key to Communication

When it comes to caring for the people we love there’s a fine line that we have to walk between too much and not enough.

This is a hard balance to find when you’re caring for someone on your own. Are they feeling smothered by attention and cornered by your constant nagging to take prescriptions? Or are they missing meds and feeling lonely? But, because you are probably spending so much time with them, you’re more likely to see the signs of either occurrence and adjust your care, or call in reinforcements, as needed.

Calling in the reinforcements adds an added weight to balance on that line you’re walking though. If you’re not around to see all of the care being provided then how do you know how much care is being given? Of course, part of the reason that you call us for help is because you need (and deserve!) a break. But taking a break shouldn’t mean you lose touch with your loved one’s care.

That’s why we have developed multiple procedures and systems to communicate with the family members of our clients.

  • As part of our standard procedure all of our clients have a Care Plan binder in the home with documentation logs inside. All activities are noted in there by the caregivers.
    • This allows family to track the care.
    • It lets other caregivers know which tasks have already been completed.
    • It serves as a way of tracking medication.
    • Documentation facilitates communication of any pertinent information or changes.
  • Family is always welcome to stop by while the caregiver is in the home. This is a really simple way to catch up on how your loved one is doing, any needed changes in care, and of course to strengthen your bond with the one you love.
  • If family is too far away or pressed for time, we always welcome phone calls. Calling the home will give you chance to chat with your loved one as well as catch up with the caregiver.
  • At a client’s requests, our caregivers are willing to call and check in with family members on a regular basis. We can facilitate how that happens on an individual basis so that communication fits around your schedule.

We know how much you care about the people in your life. We care about them, and you, too. We work to make sure that our clients, and their families, are well taken care of and happy. We want to make sure that everyone involved in the care of your loved ones is on the same page to maintain your loved one’s optimal health and happiness. We are happy to work out any additional methods of communication that you might want. If you ever have any questions, we’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to answer them for you.





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