The old adage is true: elephants truly do have extraordinary memories, even in their old age. For instance, they can remember and go back to highly specific places years after visiting them, regardless of age. Exactly what can we glean from elephants which could lead to enhancing our own cognitive functioning later in life?
Interestingly, senior elephants’ brains show no accumulation of the amyloid plaques some researchers are linking to memory loss and Alzheimer’s. And while other specialists tout the need for sufficient sleep, enabling the brain the chance to clear away plaques, elephants are stamping over that idea, sleeping less than a couple of hours daily.
But one factor rises above the rest which simply might be the answer: socialization. Research increasingly points out the link between isolation and cognitive decline, and also the benefit of preserving stable personal connections. Elephants continue being socially involved with close family herds for a lifetime, whereas our human busyness often prevents the kind of significant, sustained connections we so desperately need.
Investing quality time with your senior loved ones is a lot easier with just a little assistance from the specialized caregivers at Midnight Sun Home Care who provide trusted Alzheimer's care in Anchorage and the surrounding area. We’re readily available to assist with household chores, shopping, cooking, personal care needs, and more, freeing up valuable time for seniors and their loved ones.
We’re also experienced in encouraging seniors to keep active and engaged in the world around them, and can provide transportation and accompaniment to senior centers, exercise programs, and entertaining excursions, together with enhancing socialization right in the home with conversations, games, and pleasant activities.
As we anticipate a cure or at least an effective treatment option for memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease, understand that the care team at Midnight Sun Home Care is fully experienced and knowledgeable in specialized dementia care. As a result, those impacted by the disease are equipped to live life to their greatest possible potential, and family caregivers have the help they want in managing a few of the more challenging aspects of the disease, like sundowning, aggression, wandering, and more.
Get in touch with us at (907) 677-7890 to make the initial step in improving quality of life for your senior loved one with the best Alzheimer's care in Anchorage! We’re available for as much or as little care as needed, from just a couple of hours enabling family members to take an essential break from care, up to and including full-time, around-the-clock care, and anything in between.